Product Listing

Meowing Heads

images (8)Purr Nickety and Hey Good looking in 450g & 1.5k dry food &Pouches

Hills science plan pouches

Adult chicken, fish.

Kitten chicken, fish.



James Wellbeloved functional

Housecat 1.5k.

No cereal 1.5k.

James Wellbeloved life stages

Available in turkey or fish, adult and senior cats.

300g, 1.5k & 4k.

Royal Canin Pure Feline

Beauty, Slimness and Lively in 300g.



Foils in Chicken,

Pouches in Sheba Fresh Choice.


Adult Fish, Chicken & Lamb in 800g &2k

Kitten & Senior in 850g.

Pouches mixed selection in gravy.

Cat food

This is an overview of our products. We carry many products which are not listed.

For further information and stock availability please call 01242 521666 during opening hours.


Regretfully we are unable to sell online or by telephone, and do not offer a delivery or postal service.


Royal Canin Feline Health

Fit and Sensible in 400g & 2k.

Kitten, Exigent, Ageing in 400g and 2K.



Royal Canin Feline Care

Oral sensitive 400g, 1.5k, 3.5k.

Light 400g.

Hair & Skin, Hairball Care 400g.